Amazing Arewhana & Clever Cookies

Over the last couple of weeks, Amazing Arewhana and Clever Cookies have been meeting up. The kaupapa behind the meeting up was to encorporate the Tuakana/Teina status. This has helped the Clever Cookies feel that they had someone to come to if they were needing a big buddy to play with or just to share some time together. Mrs Hawley-Simmonds and I created a list of names of our tamariki so that each tamaiti had their own personal buddy. The first meeting was when we sat in Room 5 and looked at each other, we were both smiling and giggling because we were meeting for the first time and didn't know how to react to each other. We then went outside for a few games of 'Cat & Mouse' and 'Goose goose duck'. Both games were great. Our tamariki were building their friendships with each other, and starting to trust each other. Our next visit was when Clever Cookies came to do some 'Art' with us. This Art was for their classroom. Us teachers agreed that they wou...