Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

What is this? What are these symbols? Amazing Arewhana have been working collaboratively in a 4 man group to come up with ideas on how to protect our Earth. They were given information about the 3 Rs and how they can save the Earth. There were four parts to their investigating. 1. What is Pollution? They were given a work sheet and had to mark out 10 objects that were polluting the Earth. 2. Learning more about the 3 Rs; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. How can we reduce to save the Earth. The children came up with many ideas they will be doing at home as well as at school. 3. Learning about rubbish and recycling. The children were given rubbish to sort out and put into categories. This they enjoyed. 4. Collaborating to produce a poster. This was a not so easy task. They had to make sure that each one in their group had produced some work that they could call their own. This was the criteria for their posters. These are their master pieces. ...