Week 8 in Amazing Arewhana headquarters......

This week we have been working hard in our writing and maths. We have been learning how to use the strategies in our math learning into oral language. We found it a little bit hard trying to explain how we found our answer to say it out loud using the maths language. We know we will get use to explaining our learning soon because we talk about it everyday. In Writing, we are talking about 'Myths and Legends'. To help us build our vocabulary in writing, we are researching a hero or heroine of mythical time and legends. Here are some photos of us researching and in deep thought. Also this week we have a homework assignment to complete. Fakalofa Kia ora and Talofa Amazing Arewhana have been given an assignment focused around their Writing. This will help build their experiences by using characters to form their stories. The theme we are focusing on is ‘Myths & Legends’. Together we have designed a mock board game but their mission at home will be to des...