Welcome to Room 15 - Amazing Arewhana in the making!!!!

Our first week at school. On our first day back to school, we were all nervous firstly because our teacher was new to our school, and secondly we were all going to be in a new block.
Our first day was a good day.
Through the week we started talking about our 'branding name'. Our teacher used statistics, by making a tally graph and then a bar graph we had managed to find our name. Unfortunately our first name was not chosen because it was a name used in 2016. So we put our heads together again and our teacher said that we could be like elephants as they have great memories. Therefore our name emerged to 'Amazing Arewhana' (Elephants) based on holding on to great memories in the making.
Hope you enjoy our 2017 journey. Signing out. Amazing Arewhana.


  1. Your current name #AmazingArewhana is really unique ... Im looking forward to more of your blogs!

  2. I would like to congratulate you all Amazing Arewhana on your amazing attendance! 100% for being at school all week last week. When I look at your photos I can see why you love coming to school! Mauri Ora.

  3. It's been great teaching in your class. I look forward to being part of your learning journey this year Amazing Arewhana's :-)

  4. What an amazing name and meaning to go with it, gives the nAme mana and you all strength to push through the year doing nothing but holding onto great memories in the making. Tu meke! :-)


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