We give thanks to our almighty God for the grace and strength he has given us to conquer another year. 
This year has been a blessing, not only because it was my first year here at Rowandale School but to grow with 23 children in our learning, teaching and laughter of each other. 
To watch these children blossom into flowers from little seeds and become independent wild flowers ready for 2018.
To prize just one child was very difficult but to know they are all winners, by accomplishing their goals and striving to do their best.
So Congratulations Amazing Arewhana its sad that we all leave each other and move on to other classes but to always remember... 
You are the CLASS OF RM 15 for 2017.
Here are some photos taken from our celebrations yesterday.

Also I am humbled to have received a taonga by a beautiful whanau who felt I had gifted their daughter with more mana and aroha for her learning. Blessings to you all.

 Amazing Arewhana Award winners for 2017
Academic Excellence: Rehu Falwasser
Most Improved: D'Shaun Peautagi
Ului Leha: PRIDE For always participating in new challenges  in and out of the class and never giving up.
Kaneisini Teu: RESPECT For always thinking of others before herself and being very polite to her peers and teachers
Alex Hau: INTEGRITYFor always willing to support her classmates in and out of class and very humbled about it.
Te Hiao Mika: DETERMINATION For being  focused  and engaged in his learning and always trying his best
Laekim Tamatoa: EMPATHY For always caring about his peers and the environment and always reminding his peers to be kind to one another.
D'Shaun Peautagi, Te Hiao Mika, Laekim Tamatoa, Rehu Falwasser, Kaneisini Teu, Alex Hau, Ului Leha.
Happy memories 2017

Nga mihi mahana ki nga whanau a Alex Hau. Kia ora koutou mo te taonga ki au. Kei te tino whakahī ahau.


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