Amazing Arewhana were lucky enough to go to the Botanical Gardens to continue the Inquiry Learning of MINI BEASTS. All the Rocketeers were put into groups and taught by a Kaitiaki of the Botanical Gardens. We had Miss Caroline and she was absolutely fabulous. She showed us places and scenes of a minibeast and how they cope in their environment. Mostly we learnt about the worm and how their job is to make amazing soil by using their 'wee's and poo's'. The song that we chanted was: All day long worms CHEW CHEW CHEW WEE WEE WEE & POO POO POO... Our trip to the Botanical Gardens was very fulfilling, we learnt a lot and it made connections with what we had learnt through the term. It was good to see lots of the children enjoying the environments of the minibeasts. Please enjoy our blog and leave a message for us.