Kia ora Ko Doreen Perese ahau No Hamoa ahau, ahakoa Kei Manurewa kainga tuturu iaianei. Hi My name is Doreen I am from Samoa although I live in Manurewa now. Amazing Arewhana are learning their Pepeha. This is who they are and where they come from in Māori. These collages are visual pieces for them to see their Kainga tuturu. Their waka, if they came on the Endevour then that is their waka, their maunga/mountain, their awa/river, their iwi and their marae. Ko Panguru te maunga Ko Ngatimanawa te marae Ko Hokianga te hapu Ko Ngatokimatawhauroa te waka No Ngapuhi ahau Ko Atareta Morunga raua Ko Niheta Wihone kaputa mai a Chanel Wihone, No Panguru ia. Ko Sialehione Puhatau ka puta mai a Sialetongia Kasimausi-Puhatau, No Niue ia. Ko Carolina Kasi-Sagote ahau Ko Fonota Sagote tōku hoatāne E rima ōku tamariki. Ti hēi māuri ōra
Our first week at school. On our first day back to school, we were all nervous firstly because our teacher was new to our school, and secondly we were all going to be in a new block. Our first day was a good day. Through the week we started talking about our 'branding name'. Our teacher used statistics, by making a tally graph and then a bar graph we had managed to find our name. Unfortunately our first name was not chosen because it was a name used in 2016. So we put our heads together again and our teacher said that we could be like elephants as they have great memories. Therefore our name emerged to 'Amazing Arewhana' (Elephants) based on holding on to great memories in the making. Hope you enjoy our 2017 journey. Signing out. Amazing Arewhana.
Amazing Arewhana DRUM ROLL PLEASE….. AND THE WINNER FOR THE TIDY KIWI AWARD GOES TO??????? AMAZING AREWHANA I’d like to congratulate these awesome children for always making the effort to listen to what needs to be done correctly not only in our class but as ‘Team members’ of the ROCKETEERS. Thank you ‘SHOOTING STARS’ RM 11 for choosing our class. Let’s keep this up Amazing Arewhana and keep not only our class and cloak bay clean but also our school. Thanks for reading our blog. Leave a comment if you can.
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